BA Film and Television year 2, the year group I am year leader of, are the first of our students to be offered the chance to engage in the new DFPS programme, whereby they can take time out between years 2 and 3, work in internships or within industry, gain an extra qualification - Diploma for Professional Studies and then complete their degree.
On one of our SiP sessions I noted that the staff member / tutor who co-ordinates the DFPS programme is also studying alongside me here on SiP! I contacted Evi (Kontova) and opened immediate discussions on the potential suitability of my later staff film proposal (that this Sip research will feed into), should it go ahead being eligible for inclusion as professional work placement for students. Incredibly, Evi wholeheartedly supported the notion! This is a HUGE leap in progress for my future intentions, but also sets this SiP alight for me.