Writing this probably three weeks after the event. I responded to personal tutor's feedback on his observation of me, in some ways probably defensively. I (again) questioned the 'agenda politics' I felt were touched on in his feedback. This led to a useful personal tutorial where it was pointed out to me re UAL's active policies on racism etc (not a discussion on racism here btw) and that these policies need to inform the teaching and learning. The day I'm writing this, the latest Government race commission report has been published stating "One conclusion is that the term BAME is of 'limited value' and should no longer be used by official bodies.' As expected it also calls for a move away from unconscious bias training' I will leave that there.
Pointed in the direction of further useful reading with a pointed advisory re making sure I give evidence of research and reading, citing texts - as I often do to students! I don't feel I'm making a good student. When I get time, I will read and reflect further. Useful discussion re what to include in my portfolio; advised to include the innovative things that we are implementing in our course; eg: Albert Sustainability Calculator training, the proactive approach to well-being and mental health of students ... all key to my / dept's approach to teaching.